
So, this is my first attempt at a blog. Hopefully writing it won't take as much time as it took setting it up. :)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Rally to Restore Sanity and/or the Boob Tube

     I went to The Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear in Chicago today.  It was an interesting experience.  I really enjoyed a lot of speakers, but there was an odd kind of controversy during the rally.  The Chicago rally organizer had decided to have a jumbo-tron at the rally site.    They played the introductory remarks from the Washington D.C. rally and then have the sound off during the speakers.   A large number of rally attendees objected to this and demanded that the television’s audio be restored in lieu of listening to the speakers.   I found this particularly annoying.  This was not a rally watching party.  This rally, while held in conjunction with the D.C. rally, did have a set program of speakers, musicians and comics and that is what I went to the rally to see.  The D.C. rally was on television and people wanted to watch T.V. then why did they come all the way down to Grant Park.  When someone finally voiced the opinion that those who wanted to watch T.V. could go home, a large group actually got up and left.  I don’t know what the proper situation would be but I found it surprising the type of people who wanted to watch T.V. as opposed to those who wanted to listen to the speakers.  The majority of T.V. watchers around me seemed to me to be middle aged.  The type of people that I would assume would have been around to remember the 1960s protest movement and would object to the crowds focusing on the watching a rally so far away when there were people there who wanted to speak to them.  I just found it surprising, for what it is worth.  

The Twenty-something Brain

Jobnik, by Miriam Libicki, at its essence is a coming of age story but with the big twist of a young woman dealing with military service in a country under siege.  This omnibus seems very scattered for a person looking for a linear narrative but I feel it really fits with the subject matter.
I was talking with a friend of mine today and we were discussing about how life seems to constantly change and seems to rush by you when you are eighteen.  I think this is the experience that Miriam is having on the base in the Israeli desert.  She is dealing with boredom in her own job while at the same time worrying about her friends and acquaintances that are off dealing with real combat situations.  She is also dealing with hormones, hers and others, and the problems they can cause when you are unsure what you want in life and in a relationship.   The narrative jumps because the artist’s mind is going to a million places at once.  She is thinking about where she has been and the choices she is making currently.  But I do have to agree with those who think the comics lack a kind of narrative.  I know that these comic books are based on her diaries but I think she needs to a bit more time developing more background so we can see how she came to be in the military.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Only I Can Make Pop Culture Seem This Boring.

Okay, so this is the weird pointless pop culture post. I am really excited about the upcoming Halloween episode of Glee. I find it a bit weird to be this excited about a show that I have only been watching for like five months but I think it has more to do with the Glee cast doing Rocky Horror Picture Show.   I have been a fan of that movie since my high school boyfriend and his friends took me to see it.  It is also a movie that is connected to so many great memories from my freshman and sophomore years in college. Sadly, because I don’t get Fox, I have to wait until the episode shows up online the day after.
In the theme of comic book superheroes, I thought I was going to really like No Ordinary Family.  I really like Michael Chiklis in pretty much anything he does but the rest of the characters in this show really don’t do it for me.
          Maybe because it is because I am a senior, but it seems like lately I have had no time to go to the movies.  I know the new Harry Potter is coming out in a about a month but it seems like that is the only movie that I would take time out of my schedule to see.  Anyone else have any recommendations of movies that I should go out and see this fall?

Do Rabbis Dream of Electric Cats?

     I still can’t decide whether or not I liked The Rabbi’s Cat.  This graphic novel, as an art form, wasn’t my favorite.  It was almost too linear.  The layout never changed with a consistent six squares per page.  It was a comic strip layout.  The drawing and colors were also not my favorite.  The one thing I can say I really liked about the art was how Joann Sfar drew the cat.  But since Wednesday’s class discussion, I have spent more time thinking about the themes in The Rabbi’s Cat and more things seem to pop out at me.  In “Imperfect Masters: Rabbinic Authority in Joann Sfar’s The Rabbi’s Cat, Paul Eisenstein states, “Zblaya’s marriage to him threatens to interrupt a life…unchangeably idyllic…Jules is the cat’s first sexual rival.” (Baskind and Omer-Sherman, 163)  While yes, the cat has sex in the book, it is with OTHER CATS.   I feel the relationship between the rabbi’s cat and Zblaya is more of a child with a childish crush on a mother figure.  The cat feels threatened that he will have to share Zblaya’s affection and care with, first, a husband, and then children.  The cat feels that his life will be torn apart by these changes.  And what child has not felt threatened by changes in his or her life.  This childish worldview fits well with the idea that the cat’s version of Eden was lost with his eating of the bird and gaining a voice.  But the cat isn’t the only one to question life in this book.  The rabbi also goes through a similar loss of this mentor and the questioning of whether religious faith makes you happier.  No one in this book seems to have the answers but then again no one seems to have the answers in life.  

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Tony Stark As the Nuclear Option: Comics and Political Science

It seems I got nothing to say this week.  My week of comic books covers the range of the Shoah to Iron Man II but I don’t have much else to say on either thing.  I did find something interesting while watching Iron Man II that relates to another class I am taking.  This week in my political science class we are discussing the four forms of force.  One of these forms is deterrence.  In class, we discussed how it is impossible to know if deterrence is working because if it is working then nothing happens.  But it could be that nothing is happening because nobody is plotting anything.  In Iron Man II during Tony Stark’s testimony to a Senate committee, he states that he is the United States deterrence and the world’s longest lasting peace was because of him. Maybe he is a deterrent and maybe nothing was going on because all the u enemies were off doing something else during that time.
Guess you just had to be there.

Animal Farm

Every week it seems I get more behind in my blog posts.  The end of the week seems to always sneak up on me. 
           I really enjoyed re-reading Maus this week.  The last time I read it was over ten years ago so it was almost as if I was reading it for the first time.  Something that also made reading it again a pleasure was the discussion we had in class this week.  There were so many great ideas brought up during discussion.  It is always interesting to see what others notice in the book that I may have overlooked.   I was especially fascinated by the discussion about the part animal characteristics are part of the story. 
Cats, mice, dogs, frogs and pigs are just animals.  But when you say any of these animals, inevitably certain characteristics come to mind.  For me, when I think of a dog I think loyal, strong, protective.  Cats are standoffish and cunning.  Mice are disease carriers and gross.  Frogs are slimy.  Pigs are cute and fat.   This is what I think when I hear these animals mentioned.  But it was different when I was reading Maus.   I saw those mice as shy and helpless.  The pigs strike me as piggish, to use a human characteristic.  The cats were not house cats but almost vicious Cheshire Cats.  I think Art Spiegelman did a wonderful job using animals to represent human nature. 
Another thing I did notice about Maus was the fact that it was as much a family story as much as it was a story about the Shoah, to use a term from class.  Every child at some point in his or her life wants to understand his or her parents.  To understand what makes a parent tick is to understand part of one’s self.  By hearing his father’s story, Art Spiegelman hopes to understand his father better.  I think that is why he is so upset by his father burning his mother’s notebooks.  Because of this act, Art’s mother is now lost to him forever.  It makes me realize the importance of getting to know one’s parents while you still can.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Please ignore my earlier entry. I read a bit further on and received my answer.

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